Should I Buy an Existing Home or New Construction?
When most people start thinking about a "new house," they tend to begin by looking at "old houses" or simply whatever Zillow starts sending them. A good question might be: Is there value in first deciding if new construction or an existing home is the best fit for my needs? Let's explore this together and review the pros and cons of each category to see if there is a clear winner for you.
Let's start by defining what falls under new construction. The most popular category is filled by what I would call production builders. Some of the most popular production builders in our region include Lennar, Pulte, KB Homes, and Toll Brothers. These companies specialize in developing subdivisions full of smallish lots that typically offer around four or so different floor plans with multiple elevation and finishing options. The nicest of these can offer extensive configuration options that might put the home into a semi-custom category. The big appeal of these types of homes is generally the price. They often go head-to-head on price per square foot with existing homes, making them generally affordable, especially if you don't go crazy on choosing options in the builder's design center.
The second major category for new construction is custom builds. This is where you are buying a parcel and choosing a custom home builder to design and build, or working with your own designer or architect to build their version of your dream home. It sounds grand, but you can build a small, simple, efficient home as well as your ultimate dream home. So why would I choose one over the other? Production builders: cheaper, faster, fewer options, and lower quality. Custom builds: slower, pricier, ultimate flexibility, and any level of quality you want.
Most of us choose the production builder route for obvious reasons, so we will compare buying an existing home with buying a new production home. A wise person once said, "If you want to test the strength of your marriage, try building a custom home together."
Pros and Cons
Who wouldn't want a shiny new home specified with all the colors and finishes that you love? It sounds great, but even if the price is similar to an existing (used) home, there are other factors to consider. Let's go through the pros and cons of buying both new and existing construction side by side.
New Construction Pros
Existing Homes Pros
Value or Money
Here is the thing: most of us simply buy as much house as we can afford. Since this means the majority of us have to live with some significant compromises, home buyers tend to focus on value, especially in the categories you can't easily change, like location, lot size, bedroom and bath counts, school districts, and overall quality of life. Let's look at some of the negatives associated with buying new construction and existing homes.
New Construction Cons
Existing Homes Cons
How Do They Actually Compare in Costs?
I did an analysis of new construction sales vs existing home sales over the last 12 months. To try and keep things fair I only looked at regions where new construction was prevalent like El Dorado Hills, Folsom, Lincoln, Rocklin, and parts of Roseville. In both data sets home sales were restricted to 1,600 - 3,000 sqft homes on lots no bigger than .3 acres. Drum roll please....
New Construction Average price per sqft - $320.45 (351 closed units)
Existing Homes Average price per sqft - $332.85 (1,983 closed units)
Surprised? My take away is simply they are competitive with each other. This is not a big enough sample to take away a conclusive result other than this. If you thought buying new was cost prohibitive it may be time to open your mind to the possibility.
Do I Really Need an Agent to Help Me Buy New Construction?
The short answer is YES! Why wouldn't you? Most builders offer a commission to agents who bring their clients in to buy new construction. While the builders put on a front that implies that terms are not negotiable, in reality, they really are. I have saved my new construction buyers tens of thousands of dollars many times over. It's about who and what you know. Think of builders a bit like new car dealers. They each have certain incentives they are free to offer or hold back from buyers, as well as specific inventory that needs to be moved urgently on top of meeting specific sales targets ahead of required financial reporting periods. It's what I would call a target-rich environment for getting a deal. Pro-tip: DON'T VISIT THE BUILDER'S OFFICE without your agent. Once you register as a visitor, the builder will no longer allow you to be represented.
So, Which Camp Are You In?
I hope this little review helped you examine whether a brand new, low-maintenance, high-efficiency home is your cup of tea vs. a lower cost, mature neighborhood, and more central location. Either way, please give me a call when you are ready to explore a new-new or new-old home.
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